But in some cases, you may need to insert a large quantity of data into a column& not just an integer value or a short, descriptive character string. 但在某些情况下,您可能需要把大量数据插入一列&而不仅是一个整型值或简短的描述性字符串。
Insert another character sequence into a rope 将另一个字符序列插入rope
You can first store the character with its UCS-2 hex-code in a UCS-2 column, then you populate the UTF-8 column with a INSERT with SELECT statement. 可以先用UCS-2十六进制编码将字符存储在UCS-2列中,然后用带SELECT的INSERT语句填充UTF-8列。
If you want to insert a character, position the pointer inside the box at the place where you want to add the character, and click. 如果您想插入一个字符,把指针放在框中您想要添加字符的地方并单击。
They simultaneously insert at and a character ( respectively). 他们同时插入字母t和a(分别)。
"But in order to insert a couple of his own love poems, the author invents stereotyped heroes and heroines with the inevitable low character to make trouble between them like a clown in a play" “不过作者要写出自己的那两首情诗艳赋来,故假拟出男女二人名姓,又必旁出一小人其间拨乱,亦如剧中之小丑然。”
Put in or restore to an upright position. Position the insertion point where you want to insert the character. 插入或恢复到垂直位置。将插入点放至希望插入字符的位置。
Call this member function to insert a single character or a substring at the given index within the string. 该函数用来在原对象中的指定位置插入一个字符或子链。